News – 04/06/2022

Qargo Coffee pushes their franchise program for on-going growth

The coffee brand that’s empowering creators, is in it to win it, with their franchise growth plan for 2022!

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Coffee has definitely been one of the most popular beverages among Americans over the past few decades, but in the last few years, this market has gained massive attention from investors, companies and franchise owners that have decided to bring it to the next level with an offer that goes far beyond the regular drip coffee or the traditional espresso.

Turns out that an average person in the U.S. consumes about three cups of coffee per day, making our country the 25th biggest consumer of coffee worldwide on a per-person basis. But the choices have become different over the years with the option of cold-brew drinks, frozen options, latte, non-dairy products and much more. That’s exactly why, recognizing a wide range of possibilities for consumers, Qargo Coffee has decided to continue with their growth plan for 2022.

This American coffee brand that started to gain market share back in 2020, is now in it to win it, with the grand-opening of 25 new stores in the next quarter. With that impressive trajectory of expansion, it has become one of the fastest growing coffee companies in the US, while also leveraging on their partnership with Lavazza, an Italian premium coffee company that provides them with all of their raw materials for ensuring the perfect final end product, in each and every cup.

Now everyone can get onboard with Qargo’s mission of empowering the creators, thanks to their franchise program, open for everyone with a passion for coffee and a drive to operate a premier level business in a market that projects great opportunities.

“We’re really happy about the brand expanding across the nation, having more market share and people getting closer to us. We hope by the end of 2022 to be able to reach more people while carrying our coffee to the most important cities in the U.S. ” – said Thomas Scott, president of Qargo Coffee.

But what makes Qargo so different from every other coffee brand? Their commitment to deliver an outstanding customer experience, while providing a perfect space to work, study or hang-out. Also, their alliance with Lavazza coffee, which has now been ranked as the “Top 2 Coffee Maker” in the country, is a guarantee that each beverage sold is a complete experience of taste for each customer.

Are you ready to invest in the company that’s revolutionizing the coffee industry in the country? Be empowered by Qargo Coffee and start projecting your future, one cup of coffee at a time!

About Qargo Coffee

Qargo Coffee is a specialty coffee shop proudly serving world famous, sustainably-sourced Lavazza coffee, inspired handcrafted drinks, delicious pastries, tasty baked goods, breakfast, lunch and snack items. Founded in 2020, the Florida-based company is on a mission to create a new coffee shop experience and their locations create an oasis for a moment of relaxation, intimate conversation or a gathering of friends. They are also committed to developing new locations with eco-friendly construction methods and sustainable best practices, while positioning to expand in select markets across the U.S.

Find out more about their products and new locations on their social media:
Official Website:

Or contact Qargo Coffee to get further information:
Thomas Scott
(312) 961-3214

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